Consumers increasingly use boycotts to communicate their unhappiness with a company's commercial operations. Boycotting a corporation can lead to decreased sales, cash flow, income, and stock price. The conflict between Palestine and Israel is one of the world's longest and most complex which has drawn considerable attention from all around the world, including Indonesia. The Indonesian populace, who support Palestine, has started to show their hate toward Israel by boycotting international goods associated with Israel. Additionally, a lot of Indonesians have switched to non-Israeli items as a result of the movement against supporting Israel and its allies. The purpose of this study is to ascertain how consumer efficacy and antipathy affect consumers' willingness to boycott Israeli-affiliated goods by making them less likely to buy them. Furthermore, the goal of this study is furthered by the paucity of data on boycott participation in Indonesia. A survey of 262 Indonesians, mostly in Indonesia, was used to gather data, and SmartPLS 4.0 was used for statistical analysis. The findings of the investigation indicate that boycotting products associated with Israel is significantly and favorably impacted by consumer hatred, consumer efficacy, and the desire to avoid purchasing. Additionally, the influence of consumer efficacy and hostility on boycott participation is partially mediated by the reluctance to purchase. Since it has been demonstrated that customer efficacy and animosity affect consumers' desire in making a purchase, these findings highlight the significance of organizations and marketers being aware of the ongoing occurrence.

Keywords: consumer hostility, consumer efficacy, reluctance to buy, boycott participation, Israeli products.

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